How to Become a Notary in Texas Online

How to Become a Notary in Texas Online

If you’re considering becoming a notary in Texas, consult with your local Secretary of State office for more information on what it takes to make this happen.

What is a notary? A notary public is an individual who has been appointed by the state and possesses legal authority to administer oaths, take depositions, certify documents as true copies of originals and affix his or her signature as evidence that he or she has done so. Notaries are highly trusted individuals because they have undergone extensive background checks and training before being issued their notary commission. There are certain requirements one must meet in order to become a certified Texas notary which include: (1) be at least 18 years old; (2) be a U.S. citizen; (3) reside in Texas; (4) hold a current, valid driver’s license or identification card issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety; 8 and (5) complete the required six-hour notary education course. Once these requirements are met, one can then apply for certification with their local Secretary.. citizen citizen ( (oror a a lawfully lawfully admitted admitted alien alien);); ( (33)) be be able able to to read read and and write write;; ( (44)) never never been been convicted convicted of of a a crime crime involving involving ” “moralmoral tur turppitudeitude”;”; and and ( (55)) must must not not be be listed listed on on the the sex sex offender offender list list.. You You can can become become a a certified certified Texas Texas not notaryary for for between between $ $3535 and and $ $9090,, depending depending upon upon which which option option you you

Costs of becoming a certified Texas notary

The cost of becoming a certified Texas notary can vary depending on which option you choose. You can become a certified Texas notary for between $35 and $9090, depending upon which option you choose. The most common option is to become a commissioned notary, which costs $35. This option allows you to perform all the duties of a notary public. If you choose to become an authorized notary, the cost is $90 and allows you to perform all the duties of a commissioned notary public as well as certify documents as true copies of the original and take acknowledgments. The most expensive option is to become an executive notary, which costs $9090. This option allows you to perform all the duties of an authorized notary as well as perform official acts, certify documents as true copies of the original and take acknowledgments.

Benefits of being a certified Texas notary

How to Become a Notary in Texas Online

There are many benefits to becoming a certified Texas notary. Some of these benefits include:

1. Immediate credibility and respect from clients, co-workers, and the general public.

2. The ability to notarize documents and administer oaths.

3. Increased job security and the potential to earn extra income.

4. The opportunity to network with other professionals in the legal community.

5. The ability to serve as a witness in legal proceedings.


The cost of becoming a certified Texas notary can vary depending on which option you choose. You can become a commissioned notary for $35, an authorized notary for $90 or an executive notary for up to $9090. The most common option is the commission, and it allows you to perform all duties of a certified Texas notary public without any additional qualifications other than being at least 18 years old with current identification from the Department of Public Safety. There are many benefits to becoming a certified Texas notar y- some include increased job security, credibility in social circles, networking opportunities among professionals in the legal community and more! If you’re considering this career change but want to know how much it will take out of your pocketbook before you dive in, consider the price of becoming a certified notary.

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